Floating Action Button

冰點 脫毛 療程

冰點 脫毛 療程





🌟$688俾你任揀四個 脫毛 部位🌟 – – – 【每個部位6次】

2大,2小部位 🥳 每個部位6️⃣次

360’上手臂,360’下手臂,腋下,上腹,下腹,上半背,下半背,360’大腿,360’小腿, Bikini不包括(V-line, straight line)

額頭,面頰,上唇,下唇,下巴,前額髮線,兩邊髮鬢,後頸法線,後頸背,肚臍,上腹線,下腹線,乳暈毛, V-line, Straight – line,手指,手背,腳趾,腳背


優惠價 $688 / 6次

*The treatment is only available for first time trial for new customers aged 18 or above
* Appointment date and time confirmation will contact you by phone within 2 working days. (*Subject to the appointment date and time confirmed by phone)
*BEAUTY OR BEAST reserves the right of final decision


Disclaimer: The results from treatment vary from person to person, subject to the individual body and health conditions, diet, level of self -management and number of treatments.