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LANLUIS 英國皇室還幼養顏內分泌療程


British brand Lanluis combines traditional Korean well-being wisdom with British cutting-edge refining technology. And Using Aquilaria Agallocha (沉香)、Cyperus Rotundus(香附)、Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort(川芎)、Angelica(當歸)、Salvia Miltiorrhiza(丹參) ect of Chinese herbal medicine that radically conduce the balance of endocrine system and ovarium, thus, it effective activate blood circulation、ease premenstrual discomfort、relief stress、reduce the chest and abdomen pain、cold uterus、cold hands and feet、insomnia、dusky yellowish skin、defer menopausal symptoms, at the same time, the skin condition is completely improved.


Today’s women focus on well-being care, “if you were not on a regimen today, you would be seeing a doctor soon!” (今天不養生,明天看醫生!)
There is an old saying that : An oak is not felled at one stroke!(冰凍三尺。。。非一日之寒!)
We mainly focus on women's beauty and at the same time pay attention to their health, because “Women are like flowers … Ovary are their roots!”


Why are women prone to aging ?

  • Unstable Emotion
  • Exhaustion
  • Exhaustion….Cold Uterus
  • Wind、Cold
  • Congenital Unusual Differentiation of Androgen
  • Ovulation Failure

What symptoms do you find yourself in need of treatment:

  • Dusky yellowish skin, pale skin and spots on your face
  • Tiredness、Insomnia
  • Bloating
  • Menstruation, pain and metrostaxis
  • Premature Gray Hair, Cold Hands and Feet
  • Gynecology Discomfort

LANLUIS 還幼養顏內分泌系列 好處:

  • Detoxify
  • To Warm Womb and Kidneys
  • Defer- Aging
  • Enhance Couple Relations
  • Enhance Circulation
  • Reduce eDiscomfort


Special Offer : $380/time

*The treatment is only available for first time trial for new customers aged 18 or above
* Appointment date and time confirmation will contact you by phone within 2 working days. (*Subject to the appointment date and time confirmed by phone)
*BEAUTY OR BEAST reserves the right of final decision


Disclaimer: The results from treatment vary from person to person, subject to the individual body and health conditions, diet, level of self -management and number of treatments.



LANLUIS 英國皇室殿堂級養乳療程


胸部之大小其實不僅限於外觀上的賞心悅目,更是影響整個家庭健康,不容忽視的重要之門,畢竟女性胸部都影響內分泌與賀爾蒙,正所謂一環扣一環都是與乳房健康息息相關,BEAUTY OT BEAST 透過療程疏通乳線健胸 提升堅實,豐滿挻實,療程採用 Lanluis 胸部專屬美容儀,以最先進的射頻技術與能量射頻於一身,可深層直達脂肪體細胞組織。

Against the problems of Mammary gland circulation, pendulous breast, flabby breast of postpartum women. In a fast and active state, the heat energy of the cell body is generated to rub heat, which increases the local temperature, and the toxins in the body are excreted through the sweat glands, enterohepatic circulation and lymph to achieve the magical effects of skin rejuvenation, lifting, and tightening.



Included Diagnose of Infrared Red Testing
In-Depth Examine the Problem of Breast


The equipment scans the breast tissues in an extremely dark environment, the design of red light giving the best contrast, allowing you to observe the smallest particulars. All the lights from the equipment are visionable and without any side effects, when the light hits on your breast’s , it will be absorbed by haemoglobin in red blood cell, this allows the appearance of your breast’s hidden veins.



LANLUIS 英國皇室養乳療程功效:

✔ 改善經前胸部腫痛感

✔ 疏通乳腺

✔ 改善胸形

✔ 改善副乳脂肪


Special Offer : $380/time

*The treatment is only available for first time trial for new customers aged 18 or above
* Appointment date and time confirmation will contact you by phone within 2 working days. (*Subject to the appointment date and time confirmed by phone)
*BEAUTY OR BEAST reserves the right of final decision


Disclaimer: The results from treatment vary from person to person, subject to the individual body and health conditions, diet, level of self -management and number of treatments.